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Air Conditioning Options for Homes without Ductwork

If you’re looking for a new indoor air conditioner for your home, you’ll want to consider the various types of A/C units, especially a ductless air conditioning system.

一些老房子根本无法容纳中央供暖和制冷系统所需的大量管道系统. Some homes may also feature "hot spots,“不管你怎么调恒温器,整个区域或整个房间似乎都不会变得很舒服. 也许你是一个房主,渴望升级你的主要家庭系统和电器的能源效率和生态友好性. Whatever the case, before you invest in a ductless heating and air conditioning unit, let’s cover the basics.

What is Ductless Air Conditioning and How Does it Work? 



The first configuration is a ductless mini-split. This configuration cools a single room or zone. 单个室内空气处理机与室外压缩机组通过电缆连接,制冷剂管路通过墙体小孔连接. The air handler essentially works much like it would if you were installing a window air conditioner, but you can install it anywhere on or within your wall. 最大化对流(热空气倾向上升,冷空气倾向下降), air handlers are usually mounted near the ceiling. 这些壁挂式加热和冷却装置可以自动运行或使用专用遥控器进行调节. 

The second configuration is a ductless multi-split. 与无管道的迷你分房不同,无管道的多分房为多个房间或区域降温. 这些型号允许您将多达四个室内空气处理器(用于四个房间或区域)连接到一个室外机. Each zone has its own remote control. If one inside unit stops functioning, the other units will still work and cool their respective zones. 

Ductless heating and air conditioning units are not ventless. 这些系统仍然必须排出热空气,并排出在室外冷却过程中产生的冷凝水(多余的水). Although ductless, ventless air conditioners aren’t a thing, if you’re looking for a ventless air conditioner, consider evaporative (or swamp) cooler options. 

Why Would You Need a Ductless Heating or Air Conditioning Unit? 

无管道多分体式空调非常适合安装中央空调系统太贵或不切实际的家庭. If you currently cool your home with window units, a ductless A/C unit is a definite upgrade, 由于空气处理机的自成一体的特性,可以减少空气泄漏. 

无管道迷你分体式也可以作为现有中央暖通空调系统的一个很好的补充. If you've recently added a room to your home or converted a garage into a living space, 你可以用一个小的分裂来冷却它,而不是延长你的管道系统(这可能非常昂贵). 您也可以使用无管道的迷你分体式空调来改善单个房间的温度控制. If one zone of your home receives a lot of sunlight, 你可以在房间里安装一个无管道的小隔板,让房间保持舒适,而不用降低整个房子的恒温器(也会增加你的电费)。. 

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Is Ductless Air Conditioning Worth It? 

There are several perks to ductless air conditioning. Here are just some of the advantages of ductless air conditioning systems: 

Flexible. 只有当你占用单个房间或区域时,你才能给它们供暖或制冷, saving energy and money. 每个区域都有自己的恒温器,这样房间里的人就可以把温度调节到自己舒适的水平. Compared to a window unit, ductless mini-splits offer more placement options. You can install indoor air handlers high on your walls, hang them from your ceiling, or mount them near your floorboards. 一些制造商甚至提供嵌入式空气处理器,类似于管道式暖通空调系统的传统通风口和回流. 

Easier to install. Installing a traditional ducted system can take a few days. Depending on how many indoor and outdoor units you need, 你的无管道空调系统可以在短短几个小时内冷却下来. 无管迷你分体式空调的室内外连接通常只需要在墙上开一个3英寸宽的洞. Your installer doesn’t have to rebuild walls or ceilings around ductwork, so your house won’t be in a state of reconstruction for who knows how long. 

Quiet. With a traditional window unit A/C, 压缩机和为压缩机降温的风扇会产生很大的噪音. 在无管道迷你分体式中,压缩机位于被冷却房间的外部. 

Energy efficient. 无管道空调机组不像传统系统那样容易产生能量损失. 许多管道式暖通空调系统在冷空气从压缩机进入室内时会泄漏. In fact, according to the U.S. 能源部表示,管道损失可使空调系统的效率降低高达 30 percent. That’s a lot! Thankfully, the majority of ductless air conditioning systems carry an ENERGY STAR® rating. 因为无管道空调系统比大多数中央供暖和制冷空气系统需要更少的电力, you’ll also save money on your utility bills. 

Eco-friendly. Increased energy efficiency translates into a lower carbon footprint. But that’s not all. 无管道系统使用的制冷剂(R410A)具有零臭氧消耗潜力.So, gone are the days of feeling guilty when you turn on your A/C. 

Provides better indoor air quality. Air ducts in traditional HVAC systems need to be cleaned regularly. Even after cleaning, dust and other allergens may remain. 无管道空调系统依靠过滤系统,可以减少灰尘的数量, bacteria, pollen, and allergens in your home.   

What are the Potential Drawbacks of a Ductless Air Conditioner? 




Here are some of the disadvantages of purchasing a ductless system: 

Higher initial cost. Ductless air conditioners cost about $4,000, on average, to install. 无管道系统的成本比中央空调高出约30%(不包括管道系统的成本),可能是有窗空调的两倍. 

Incorrectly installed systems are inefficient and ineffective. 如果安装人员没有正确调整室内机的尺寸或将其放置在正确的位置,则可能发生短循环. 短周期循环既浪费能源,又不能很好地控制温度和湿度. Also, 在某些地区,为这些不太常见的无管道空调系统找到安装人员或经验丰富的维修技术人员可能很困难. 

Less visually appealing. 一些房主可能更喜欢内置的中央空调系统的通风口,并返回到无管道迷你或多分体式系统的室内空气处理器. 

Your air conditioning system is vital to your family’s seasonal comfort, whether you’re trying to stay cool in a heatwave or simply wanting to learn how air conditioners work in general to get an idea of the best solution for your household. 

如果您决定购买无管道空调机组,请使用American Home Shield®保护它 home warranty, which covers components and parts of ductless mini-splits. If an unexpected breakdown of your system should occur, 维修可能要花费数百美元,更换可能要花费数千美元. With air conditioning coverage, if we can’t repair your covered item, we’ll replace it, subject to contract limitations and exclusions. So, when a covered issue happens, you don’t have to sweat it. Our warranty coverage protects your budget and your peace of mind.


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